ES modules
ES modules
Old way before modules
- Having just a few variables to think about at one time makes things easier.
- When you’re working on one function, you can just think about that one function
- Downside: In JavaScript, functions can’t access variables that are defined in other functions.
- A common way to share is to put it on a scope above you… for example, on the global scope.
- all of your script tags need to be in the right order
- Any function can grab anything on the global, and mess it up.
- Modules give you a better way to organize these variables and functions
- Module scope used to share variables between the functions in the module.
- Other modules can access the it exported functions/variables
- This explicit relationship makes it easy to find which modules will break if you remove another one.
- We build up a graph of dependencies, using imports.
- We provide a file to use as an entry point to the graph.
- Browser parse all of these files to turn them into data structures called Module Records.
- Then module record turned into a module instance. An instance = code + state.
ES Specs
- The ES module spec says how you should parse files into module records, and how you should instantiate and evaluate that module.
- It doesn’t say how to get the files in the first place.
- It’s the loader that fetches the files. For browsers, that spec is the HTML spec.
Lazy loading
- With dynamic import, you can use an import statement like
. - Any file loaded using
is handled as the entry point to a separate graph. - The dynamically imported module starts a new graph, which is processed separately.
- Uses
- CommonJS can do things differently because loading files from the filesystem takes much less time than downloading across the Internet.
- This means Node can block the main thread while it loads the file.
- This also means that you’re walking down the whole tree, loading, instantiating, and evaluating any dependencies before you return the module instance.
CommonJs vs ES modules
- ES modules use something called live bindings. Both modules point to the same location in memory. where as in commonJS copy is used.
- In ES module, when the exporting module changes a value, that change will show up in the importing module.
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